• “Peeling” is an external, aesthetic dermatological treatment of the skin with natural fruit acids, chemical acids or by mechanical removal. Peeling is suitable for improving or eliminating sun or age-related skin changes, wrinkles, pigment spots and superficial acne scars and for tightening the skin. Since the discovery of the skin-improving properties of natural fruit acids, numerous procedures have been developed. The chemical peeling methods are divided into surface peeling, medium deep peeling and deep peeling – depending on how aggressively the skin is affected and removed. In mechanical peeling methods we know dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. We use different types of peeling depending on the desired result.

  • In chemical peeling, fruit acids or other substances are applied to the skin. They penetrate the upper layers of the skin to varying depths, peeling away old horny layers and stimulating the epidermis to regenerate. Collagen fibres, basic substance and elastin are increasingly formed in the dermis, water is bound in the skin. Overall, the skin is restructured and thickened, the moisture content of the skin increases. The skin appears smoother and more youthful overall. Cell damage caused by the sun, pigmentation and fine wrinkles are reduced or eliminated if they do not go too deep. The more aggressive the acid, the better the skin rejuvenation, but also the higher the risk of side effects.

  • With the peeling large areas can be treated effectively. Depending on the selected exfoliator, the complexion can radiate considerably more, wrinkles can be reduced and the appearance of scars can be improved.

  • This question can only be answered by individual consultation. There are many different types of peelings that are used depending on the intended use. A fruit acid peeling is only effective in the uppermost skin layers whereas a chemical peeling also reaches deep skin structures. Like every beauty treatment, every peeling treatment must be embedded in a long-term pre- and post-treatment. Depending on the desired goal, the specialist selects the right peeling for you.

  • This depends on the exfoliator used and the exposure time. A superficial peeling as with fruit acid peeling is often only felt as a slight burning sensation. In contrast, the PQAge peeling works in the medium deep skin layer and is not painful.

  • Depending on the peeling used and the intensity of the peeling process of the skin, the effects of a peeling last from months to years.

    With PQAge peeling, an immediate rejuvenation of the skin with a “glow effect” is already visible after the first treatment. In the long term, PQAge leads to an improvement of the skin structure.

  • In many cases this is possible and also reasonable. A pre-treatment with botulinum toxin can be useful when using a peeling to smooth wrinkles. Wrinkle injections after a peeling can also further improve the result achieved.

  • The first info call is free of charge. You will receive detailed initial information and a suitability check by our experienced specialists.

  • For an optimal result, 4 – 6 treatments should be carried out at intervals of 2 weeks. A refreshment with 2 – 3 treatments every 6 months is recommended.

  • No special preparation is required. Afterwards a moisturizer can be applied to irritated skin.

    • Irritated/ damaged skin
    • Dermatitis
    • Herpes simplex in active phase
    • Allergies to one of the ingredients of PQage
    • Pregnancy and nursing mothers

Do you have any more questions? Arrange a consultation on PQAge Peeling.

The following questions are not intended to replace a consultation with our doctor, but they do provide an initial orientation. If you are interested in a PQAge peeling, or if you have further questions, please use the form below.

PQAge Peeling

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