Tattoo removal before and after pictures & treatment successes of patients

Tattoo removal before and after pictures & treatment successes of patients of the Dermacare beauty institute. Get detailed advice from the specialists at Dermacare and find out what your chances of success are for tattoo removal. If you wish, you can arrange a trial treatment and receive detailed information about tattoo removal.

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1010 Wien, Morzinplatz 4

1220 Wien, Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 7A

Professional tattoo removal by trained doctors.

State-of-the-art technology

We use state-of-the-art picolasers, nano- and ruby lasers specially developed for tattoo removal, which are designed for safe and effective tattoo removal. With our devices almost all colours of a tattoo can be removed.

Professional treatment

Experience and conscientious handling of the technology is crucial. All specialists have an appropriate additional training and many years of experience. We can therefore look back on satisfied customers and great results in tattoo removal.

Individual consultation

In a detailed informative conversation, specialists and doctors will advise you about your wishes. You will receive an individual assessment of the expected success of the treatment, the costs and everything you need to know about the procedure and follow-up treatments.

Das Bild zeigt eine Szene aus einer professionellen Tattooentfernung. Ein Arzt oder Spezialist in weißem Kittel behandelt den tätowierten Unterarm eines Patienten mit einem modernen Lasergerät. Der Patient sitzt ruhig, während der Behandler den Laser präzise auf das Tattoo ansetzt. Die Tätowierung zeigt detaillierte Schriftzüge und Motive, die durch die Lasertechnologie schrittweise entfernt werden sollen. Diese Behandlungsmethode demonstriert die Effektivität moderner Lasersysteme, die in Kliniken wie Dermacare eingesetzt werden. Solche Tattooentfernung Vorher-Nachher Bilder dokumentieren den Fortschritt und die Erfolgsaussichten der Behandlung.

Before and after photos of a tattoo removal treatment

The following photos show the treatment successes and before and after pictures for tattoo removal with laser at the Dermacare beauty institute. The pictures show the condition of the tattoo at the beginning of the treatment series, so the tattoos are still clearly visible. We will publish more pictures here to document the success of the treatment for you.

Our before and after pictures provide a visual representation of the progress and effectiveness of our advanced laser technology. Each treatment is customised to ensure that the tattoo is removed as gently and effectively as possible.

Modern laser technology at Dermacare

At Dermacare, we use state-of-the-art laser technology to achieve optimum results. The innovative PICO laser ensures that the tattoo gradually fades until it is completely removed. Before and after pictures document the process and show the impressive progress our patients achieve with tattoo removal. Thanks to the expertise of our specialist doctors, we can create individual treatment concepts that are tailored to the specific needs of each patient.

Find out more about tattoo removal with laser at Dermacare

You still have questions about tattoo removal?

FAQ tattoo removal contains answers to the most common questions about laser tattoo removal at Dermacare. These questions are not intended to replace a consultation with our doctor, but they do give a first orientation.

FAQ tattoo removal

Treatment procedure of the laser tattoo removal

1. Digital photo of the skin

The treatment procedure of a tattoo removal in Vienna at Dermacare, is explained in detail below. Before each treatment a digital photo of your tattoo is taken to document your treatment progress.

2. Desinfection

After subsequent desinfection, the laser treatment begins, which feels similar to the stinging of a tattoo. If you prefer to feel as little as possible, it is advisable to apply an anesthetic cream in advance.

3. Laser treatment

The tattoo is then treated with the special Q-Switched Nd:YaG laser. To make the treatment more comfortable, the tattoo is air-cooled.


4. Anti-inflammatory cream

An antiseptic cream is applied to prevent inflammation.


5. Bandage

The spot is bandaged. After the treatment, the treated area may be slightly reddened and swollen.


6. Cooling of the tattoo

After the treatment, a cool pack is placed on the treated area for 10 minutes. Keep the dressing dry for about 24 hours and only then start to care for the tattoo with appropriate products.

After about 4-6 weeks a clear lightening of the tattoo will be visible and the following treatment can be carried out.

Costs of laser tattoo removal at Dermacare

Your price advantage

When you purchase a treatment package, you benefit from attractive price advantages.

*The cost of laser tattoo removal depends on the size of the area to be treated and the type of tattoo. Faded tattoos can be removed more quickly than fresh, colourful professional tattoos.

For larger tattoos, we offer a customised quote and special prices.


Expert discussion on tattoo removal

Your initial consultation at Dermacare Vienna will be with a doctor or experienced specialist. If treatment takes place immediately afterwards, the consultation is free of charge for you. However, if you decide to have treatment at a later date, you will be charged a fee of € 60, which will be credited to you in full for any future tattoo removal.

Flexible financing options

For more extensive treatments, we offer you the option of financing. This allows you to pay for your desired treatments in convenient instalments and still start immediately. You can find more information here.

What customers say about Dermacare...

Anna Brunner
Anna Brunner
Ich bin zur Tattooentfernung bei Dermacare und ich bin sehr zufrieden. Die Behandlung geht super schnell und ich fühl mich immer sehr wohl. Schon nach der 4ten Behandlung sieht man mega Fortschritte. Das gesamte Team ist sehr freundlich und kompetent. Kann ich nur empfehlen :)
Maria Weissenböck
Maria Weissenböck
Sehr netter Empfang. Die Behandlung war sehr gut erklärt und super durchgeführt!
Nicole Danner-Brande
Nicole Danner-Brande
Rundum zufrieden!!!!
Goldy M
Goldy M
kommen seit Jahren und bin immer sehr zufrieden
Gesa Koß
Gesa Koß
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Hautanalyse und dem daraus individuell für mich abgeleiteten Therapieplan. Der Carbon Laser hat meiner Haut schon sehr gut getan, nun starte ich mit dem Microneedling. Auch die Aquafacial Gesichtsreinigung kann ich - dank Lusine - sehr empfehlen. Meine Poren haben nie besser ausgeschaut!


What is your concern?

Let your dream become reality! With the help of state-of-the-art technologies and a team of specialists, we offer you professional treatments.

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